
Recent Projects

Help build your online presence, and automate your business workflows with my laravel web development services!


Developed and currently maintaining DUT Credit Microfinance Banking System. The system has several modules and integrations, including: User Management, Loan Management, Accounting, Financial Reporting, USSD Technology, MPESA Integration, and more.

DUTCREDIT System Screenshot


Haraaca is a car rental platform that connects users to a wide range of cars to rent from. Haraaca also allows user to be able to earn money by renting out their cars. Haraaca will be operational in more than one country and is built with scaling in mind.

Haraaca Screenshot

Jamhuri Magazine

Crafted a vibrant platform for Jamhuri Magazine, bridging Kenya with its diaspora. The portal hosts sectors like medicine, finance, and investments, fostering diaspora involvement in projects like the Diaspora University Town (DUT) for economic growth. This project underlines seamless community interaction with real-time updates, enhancing user engagement and diaspora's contribution towards nation-building

Jamhuri Magazine Screenshot